Oh, hey 2023!
I’m back 🙂
Sorry for the year-long hiatus.
2022 was a wonder.
2022 was without a doubt the most difficult year of my life, and the most transformative, but nonetheless hard, messy, heartbreaking, chaotic…you get the gist.
It’s a story for another time, but as I’m writing this, I feel excited to be back, and to be in a creative headspace again where I want to share the good, the bad, and the messy in-between.
I had quite a few posts planned, like the remaining posts from Thailand including Krabi, Phuket and Seoul, but for the time being I’m focused on new adventures and a new type of content where I’ll be sharing everything – from book recommendations, new recipes, podcasts, music, travel tips, life as a Las Vegas local, insightful conversations, therapy talk – you name it.
I’ll be sharing more about my life in general – there’s so much content out there (looking at you, Tiktok) and it feels like everything is just a highlight reel (my Instagram is definitely included). Which is all great, until it’s not, and you struggle to find people going through the same things as you when you really need it. Hopefully something on here will resonate with that one person one day, and until then I hope I share something useful, funny, or something that just makes your day a tiny bit brighter.
So with all that said, here’s to a year full of fearlessness, authenticity, courage, healing, transformation, peace, discomfort, and adventure. Here’s to a year full of wonder ✨